We was given a task to draw the music video, for a band and song we like. We was asked to work in pairs, and my partner was Sonal, as we both have similar music taste. We both generally like Indie/Rock, so we came to the agreement that we would pick this as our music genre for the animated video.
We achieved our music video by, having the original Wombats - Moving To New York music video up on the computer, and as the video play's we would pause the music video and then draw that particular shot. It was a long process but I think the quality of it works well.
Sonal was given the task to draw, and I coloured. We created our music video story board by using YouTube to find the music video and each shot we would stop and draw. It took a long time to colour so Sonal took up the job to also colour. This is noticeable that two people have coloured as my colourings more harder, and block colours whereas Sonal's is more, lighter. I feel like I've enhanced my own drawing though the colouring, which then could get confusing for the viewer as the same character may really look like a different character.
In order to get the drawings off the story board and onto the computer, i simply took pictures of the drawings then up loaded them onto the computer then added the photo's to imovie.
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